Monday, November 5

TEAK: Isla Espiritu Santo

Well, I haven't posted in awhile because I haven't been in the water in awhile! I've had an ear infection for the past... week and a half I think, and that has kept me high and dry. But, even though the doctor isn't to happy about it, this week I am going on a three day retreat to Isla Espiritu Santo.


I'm bringing a water-proof camera, so I'll try to get some good pictures.

On a slightly un-related note, a friend of mine is a shipwright and had some spare teak laying around, so he gave me a beautiful piece to craft my speargun out of. I'll have some pictures of that up later as well.

Here's a few teasers to.... well to tease you.

P.s. oh yeah, I almost forgot. TEAK is an acronym derived from TEAM (or, "The Evangelical Alliance Mission) which stands for "The Evangelical Alliance Kyakers (or something like that. Its my best guess at least). Its just a tradition of sorts where a bunch of missionary types in the baja region gather to kyak around Isla Espiritu Santo.

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